Humanity is progressing into a new era To do this we must upgrade ourselves faster & faster There is no longer the time for years of therapy Happily, all over the planet extraordinary new technologies We have been called to share a powerful 5th dimentional This upgrading, works in three stages: 1. DIAMOND
AXE ACTIVATION DNA UPGRADES Our planet earth is going through a massive transition. Astrologically (as mapped most accurately by the ancient Maya) we are leaving the age of Pisces and are almost fully entered into the age of Aquarius. This is a direct placing of our Earth in relation to the pole star and the heavens, and it means that we too are in the process of a massive physical and spiritual change. The last four thousand years have seen our planet experimenting with suppressing the divine feminine - as witnessed by religions hiding feminine empowerment doctrines, women and girls being suppressed, drowned or burned as witches, and the divine feminine in men being discouraged by their need to cut the head from the heart (with neckties), keeping a 'stiff upper lip', their expression of sensitivity and emotion being frowned upon. As we move into this fascinating new era we see the Aquarian energy start to make its face known. Aquarian characteristics are humanitarianism, equality and lack of materialism. We see the equalising of humanity by the press tearing down icons and heroes, bringing up the needy and downtrodden, starving and forgotten, so that we can no longer ignore that we have more than they do. There is an ever increasing abundance of charitable organisations, charity shops and aid organisations. The financial and corporate powerhouses are having to learn a new way as the people stand up and require fair sharing. Physically we are changing too. Our DNA and our physical structure is upgrading, as are our psyches and most exciting of all, our spirits. We are becoming BEINGS OF LIGHT. When the transition has occurred we will live in a place of trust and connection with all, coming from love instead of fear. Thus greed, aggression and manipulation will be a thing of the past. Imagine what we were like before, when our DNA was 12 strands or more, and now is limited to only 2 strands. We have been hampered by soul memories, handed down generation by generation, in our DNA. Memories of trauma, of loss, or separation and of anxiety. The experiences that our ancestors lived are not our own, yet we are driven by them as they remain in large measure, living in our bodies in our DNA. As we start to evolve faster and faster, our DNA can grow its extra strands and we may elevate with the planet, if we can keep up with the speed of this new evolution. One way in which we can clear old 'chains round our hearts' that slow our progress is to release soul memories that are unhelpful (in fact are totally restrictive). There is a new technology available to burn off these old memories and thus take the brakes off and allow us to accelerate our DNA upgrades at whatever rate we choose. This new technology is called Pyramidal Memories Transmutation. Replacing years
of emotional battles. We
have come Home. Contact us at